Urban Agriculture - Dilworth
Apartment Garden - Check directly with your landlord or property management company if this is allowed, where it is allowed, and what rules apply.
Backyard Bees - Not addressed.
Backyard Chickens - Prohibited.
Boulevard Garden - Not addressed.
Compost Food Waste - Not addressed.
Home Garden - Home gardens are allowed, however, there may be covenants administered by homeowner’s associations (HOAs) that apply depending on where your residence is located. To check if your house is part of an HOA, contact the Clay County Recorder, as it should be on your house’s deed. Contact Gopher One State to locate utilities prior to digging and cable lines by calling 811 or visiting the website.
Pollinator Garden or Natural Lawn - Not addressed.
Structures (Raised-beds, rain barrels, and temporary or permanent greenhouses) - Structures such as raised beds, rain barrels, root cellars, and temporary greenhouses are allowed on private property. Depending on the size and type of structure, a permit may be required. Questions may be directed to the City Planner Stan Thurlow or the City Administrator Peyton Mastera at (218) 287-2313.