Ugly Food Happy Hour: A Conversation on Urban Agriculture

On October 19th, Ugly Food of the North hosted our first Happy Hour Conversation! We gathered in the Rourke Gallery with wine and beer in hand and asked questions about urban agriculture to a wonderful panel of individuals knowledgable about urban agriculture and making strides to improve the opportunities for it in Fargo-Moorhead. We chatted about bees, composting, small farms, chickens, and community gardens in order to assess concerns and give the community more information about urban agriculture.

Urban agriculture holds the promise of many benefits for a community and its citizens, including increased access to healthy foods, promoting self-sufficiency and food security, and enhancing individual’s freedom of choice. Many communities across the nation, both large and small, have ordinances that lay out reasonable guidelines for various types of urban agriculture to exist.

Want to get more involved? Email your local commissioners and representatives or fill out our survey so we can pass along your opinions to them.

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